List of Publications

論文 (Papers)  — See also my records in [Google Scholar] and [INSPIRE]

  1. Yoshimasa Hidaka, Masaru Hongo, Mikhail Stephanov, Ho-Ung Yee
    "Spin relaxation rate for baryons in thermal pion gas"
    [arXiv:2312.08266 [hep-ph]]
  2. Yukinao Akamatsu, Shimpei Endo, Keisuke Fujii, Masaru Hongo
    "Complex-valued in-medium potential between heavy impurities in ultracold atoms"
    [arXiv:2312.08241 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]
  3. Keisuke Fujii, Masaru Hongo, Tilman Enss
    "Universal van der Waals force between heavy polarons in superfluids"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 233401 (2022), [arXiv:2206.01048 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]
    [Press Release (in Japanese) from Niigata University and RIKEN]
  4. Koichi Hattori, Masaru Hongo, Xu-Guang Huang
    "New Developments in Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics"
    Symmetry 14, 1851 (2022), [arXiv:2207.12794 [hep-th]]
  5. Masaru Hongo, Xu-Guang Huang, Matthias Kaminski, Mikhail Stephanov, Ho-Ung Yee
    "Spin relaxation rate for heavy quarks in weakly coupled QCD plasma"
    JHEP, 2022, 263 (2022), [arXiv:2201.12390 [hep-th]]
  6. Shoichiro Tsutsui, Masaru Hongo, Shintaro Sato, Takahiro Sagawa
    "Quantum hydrodynamics from local thermal pure states"
    Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033059 (2022), [arXiv:2106.12777 [cond-mat.stat-mech]]
  7. Zheng Cao, Koichi Hattori, Masaru Hongo, Xu-Guang Huang, Hidetoshi Taya
    "Gyrohydrodynamics: Relativistic spinful fluid with strong vorticity"
    PTEP, 2022, 071D01 (2022), [arXiv:2205.08051 [hep-th]]
  8. Masaru Hongo, Dam Thanh Son
    "Universal Properties of Weakly Bound Two-Neutron Halo Nuclei"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 212501 (2022), [arXiv:2201.09912 [nucl-th]]
  9. Keisuke Fujii, Masaru Hongo
    "Effective field theory of fluctuating wall in open systems: from a kink in Josephson junction to general domain wall"
    SciPost Phys. 12, 160 (2022), [arXiv:2108.12192 [hep-th]]
  10. Takuya Furusawa, Masaru Hongo
    "Anomaly-induced edge currents in hydrodynamics with parity anomaly"
    Phys.Rev.D 104, 125021 (2021), [arXiv:2108.12192 [hep-th]]
  11. Masaru Hongo, Xu-Guang Huang, Matthias Kaminski, Mikhail Stephanov, Ho-Ung Yee
    "Relativistic spin hydrodynamics with torsion and linear response theory for spin relaxation"
    JHEP, 2021, 150 (2021), [arXiv:2107.14231 [hep-th]]
  12. Hidetoshi Taya, Masaru Hongo, Tatsuhiko N. Ikeda
    "Analytical WKB theory for high-harmonic generation and its application to massive Dirac electrons"
    Phys. Rev. B 104, L140305 (2021), [arXiv:2105.12446 [cond-mat.str-el]]
    [Highlighted in RIKEN RESEARCH]
  13. Masaru Hongo, Toshiaki Fujimori, Tatsuhiro Misumi, Muneto Nitta, Norisuke Sakai
    "Effective field theory of magnons: Chiral magnets and the Schwinger mechanism"
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 134403 (2021), [arXiv:2009.06694 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]
  14. Keiji Saito, Masaru Hongo, Abhishek Dhar, Shin-ichi Sasa
    "Microscopic theory of the fluctuating hydrodynamics in nonlinear lattices"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 010601 (2021), [arXiv:2006.15570 [cond-mat.stat-mech]]
  15. Masaru Hongo, Suro Kim, Toshifumi Noumi, Atsuhisa Ota
    "Effective Lagrangian for Nambu-Goldstone modes in nonequilibrium open systems"
    Phys. Rev. D 103, 056020 (2021), [arXiv:1907.08609 [hep-th]]
  16. Masaru Hongo, Koichi Hattori
    "Revisiting relativistic magnetohydrodynamics from quantum electrodynamics"
    JHEP, 2021, 11 (2021), [arXiv:2005.10239 [hep-th]]
  17. Takuya Furusawa, Masaru Hongo
    "Global anomaly matching in the higher-dimensional CPN−1 model"
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 155113 (2020), [arXiv:2001.07373 [cond-mat.str-el]]
  18. Masaru Hongo, Toshiaki Fujimori, Tatsuhiro Misumi, Muneto Nitta, Norisuke Sakai
    "Instantons in Chiral Magnets"
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 104417 (2020), [arXiv:1907.02062 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]
  19. Koichi Hattori, Masaru Hongo, Xu-Guang Huang, Mamoru Matsuo, Hidetoshi Taya
    "Fate of spin polarization in a relativistic fluid: An entropy-current analysis"
    Physics Letters B, 795, 100–106 (2017), [arXiv:1901.06615 [hep-th]]
  20. Masaru Hongo, Yoshimasa Hidaka
    "Anomaly-Induced Transport Phenomena from Imaginary-Time Formalism"
    Particles 2(2), 261-280 (2019), [arXiv:1902.09166 [hep-th]]
  21. Masaru Hongo, Suro Kim, Toshifumi Noumi, Atsuhisa Ota
    "Effective field theory of time-translational symmetry breaking in nonequilibrium open system"
    JHEP, 2019, 131 (2019), [arXiv:1805.06240 [hep-th]]
    [Highlighted in RIKEN RESEARCH]
  22. Masaru Hongo, Tatsuhiro Misumi, Yuya Tanizaki
    "Phase structure of the twisted SU(3)/U(1)2 flag sigma model on R × S1"
    JHEP, 2019, 70 (2019), [arXiv:1812.02259 [hep-th]]
    [Highlighted in RIKEN RESEARCH]
  23. Masaru Hongo
    "Nonrelativistic Hydrodynamics from Quantum Field Theory: (I) Normal Fluid Composed of Spinless Schrödinger Fields"
    J. Stat. Phys., 174, 1038–1079 (2019), [arXiv:1801.06520 [cond-mat.stat-mech]]
  24. Masaru Hongo, Noriyuki Sogabe, Naoki Yamamoto
    "Does the chiral magnetic effect affect the dynamic critical phenomena in QCD?"
    JHEP, 2018, 108 (2018), [arXiv:1803.07267 [hep-ph]]
  25. Masaru Hongo, Yuji Hirono, Tetsufumi Hirano
    "Anomalous-hydrodynamic analysis of charge-dependent elliptic flow in heavy-ion collisions"
    Physics Letters B, 775, 266–270 (2017), [arXiv:1309.2823 [nucl-th]]
  26. Masaru Hongo
    "Path-integral formula for local thermal equilibrium"
    Annals of Physics, 383, 1 (2017), [arXiv:1611.07074 [hep-th]]
    [Press Release (in Japanese) from RIKEN]
  27. Tomoya Hayata, Yoshimasa Hidaka, Toshifumi Noumi, Masaru Hongo
    "Relativistic hydrodynamics from quantum field theory on the basis of the generalized Gibbs ensemble method"
    Phys. Rev. D 92, 065008 (2015), [arXiv:1503.04535 [hep-ph]]
  28. Yuji Hirono, Masaru Hongo, Tetsufumi Hirano
    "Estimation of electric conductivity of the quark gluon plasma via asymmetric heavy-ion collisions"
    Phys. Rev. C 90, 021903(R) (2014), [arXiv:1211.1114[nucl-th]]

会議録 (Proceedings)

  1. Masaru Hongo, Noriyuki Sogabe, Naoki Yamamoto
    "Critical Dynamics of Massless QCD with the Chiral Magnetic Effect"
    JPS Conf. Proc. 26, 031026 (2019), The 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018)
  2. Masaru Hongo, Yuji Hirano, Tetsufumi Hirano
    "Relativistic hydrodynamic model with chiral magnetic/separation effects"
    Soryushiron Kenkyu, 17 (2014) (in Japanese), Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Their Applications 2013

学位論文 (Theses)

  • Masaru Hongo, "Quantum field theoretical approach to relativistic hydrodynamics from local Gibbs ensemble"
    Ph.D Thesis [pdf], 16th Dec. 2015
  • Masaru Hongo, "Relativistic Hydrodynamic Model with Chiral Magnetic Effect" (in Japanese)
    Master Thesis, 7th Jan. 2013

その他,解説記事など (Misc.)

  1. 本郷 優, "輸送現象における量子異常のあらわれ", 数理科学, 679 (2020年1月号), 58-64, 2020年1月
  2. 本郷 優, "場の量子論に基づいた相対論的流体力学の基礎づけ", 原子核研究, 64(1), 38-49, 2019年10月
  3. 日高 義将, 本郷 優, "場の量子論と流体力学のつながり ", 数理科学, 649 (2017年7月号), 22-29, 2017年7月
  4. 本郷 優, "マクロな「流れ」とミクロな「量子」の関係 – 曲がった空間の幾何学を用いて「流れ」を理解する",
    Academist Journal 2017年7月
  5. アンソニー・ジェームズ・レゲット (渡邉 悠樹, 鈴木 博人, 谷崎 佑弥, 益田 晃太, 本郷 優, 遠藤 晋平)
    "Exotic Superconductivity", 物性研究, 1(1), 011201-158, 2012年5月